Monday, May 25, 2020
The History of Gender Inequality - 1124 Words
Gender inequality has been the main focus for many centuries through the use of discrimination and oppression women were exploited. Where women had very little rights of their own or a voice in society but made many sacrifices to achieve equal rights whether it be in employment or other areas of inequality. As men were seen as masculine breadwinners and women as more feminine by looking after the family and raring of children. What is oppression and discrimination There has been a major development in women’s equal rights since the Equality Act 2010 was introduced that includes gender equality as one of the strands which states people under this act cannot discriminate or harass and victimise another individual( Ref). The gender pay gap between men and women has been on debate for many years. This essay will examine whether or not in this modern day society their still remain gender inequalities through the use of relevant theories this essay is determined to establish whether these inequalities still exist in employment by exploring social, biological and cultural explanations and differences between men and women. Why women are more likely to be discriminated and oppressed and how I can use this awareness to challenge and address gender inequalities in employment. 1 History At the time of First World War in 1914 restrictions were applied by men and benevolent contributors for the removal of female employment in industry. In 1841 men progressively eliminated femaleShow MoreRelatedGender Inequality Is A Grave Issue Throughout The History Of Time972 Words  | 4 PagesGender inequality is a grave issue throughout the history of time. 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This issue begun in early history and has grown over time. In early days it simply began as women not being able to vote or not being able to work. This has improved over time and now women have gained those rights, but there are still inequalities in today’s society between genders. When most people think of gender inequality they automatically think of women. Men have also started to become victims of gender inequality.
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